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Marc Anthony - Valio La Pena Lyrics
Lyrics to 'Valio La Pena' by Marc Anthony. Mirándote a los ojos se responden mi por qué / Me inspiro en tus palabras y mi casa esta en tu piel / Que tierno. Read More...
The financial disclosure requirements for the United States Congress are approximate. So, there’s always a chance we might be wrong when we name its richest member. But if we believe what we read (and if we trust none of the other members have a secret fortune tucked away under the mattress), there’s a clear winner in the rich stakes. Coming in heads and shoulders above her peers in the rich stakes in Kelly Loeffler, the junior United States Senator from Georgia and one very wealthy woman indeed. Read More...
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Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas has caused controversy over the entirety of the last year after competing and winning in the women’s category at the NCAA National Championships. Now, to add to the growing unpopularity of the situation the University of Pennsylvania has nominated the controversial swimmer for “Woman of the Year”- a nomination unwelcome by everyone. Thomas earlier competed for the men’s team at UPenn before switching to the women’s team after her transition last year. Read More...