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Historical Locations, Assassin's Creed Odyssey Map

Icon of Abaton Abaton The abaton was the dormitory where, after a series of rites, the sick would receive visions from Asklepios in a dream. The visions were then interpreted by the sanctuary’s priest-physicians.

Icon of Agamemnon's Tomb Agamemnon's Tomb Agamemnon may have been king of Mycenae and commander of United Greek armies in the Trojan War, but he had a less-than-glorious homecoming. While at a banquet, he was killed by his own wife's lover.

Icon of Aggalaki Cave Aggalaki Cave The largest on Kephallonia, the "Blue Cave" houses a small lake. It is part of a large cave system with more interconnected underground lakes.

Icon of Agoge Camp North Agoge Camp North Sparta’s male education system, the agoge, had a mainly military aim. It was the longest educational system in the Greek world, with males age 7-29. Only heirs of royal families didn't participate.

Icon of Agora of Athens Agora of Athens The Agora was the civic heart of Athens. It served as the center of all political, commercial, administrative, social, and legal activity.

Icon of Aipeia Aipeia Before Epimelides of Thebes renamed the area Korone, it was known as Aipeia until the liberation of Messenia. The area had a sanctuary to Apollo Korythos, who was celebrated for his healing powers.

Icon of Akriai Akriai The Perioikoi were a group of Spartan “subcitizens” who lived in the rural areas of Lakonia and Messenia. They had local autonomy, but seem to have been subject to a special tax.

Icon of Akropolis of Argos Akropolis of Argos The oldest sanctuaries in the city were built on two akropolises and housed the temples of Athena Polias, Zeus Larisaios, Hera Akraia, and Apollo Pythaios, which was connected to the Bloody Oracle.

Icon of Akropolis of Karthaia Akropolis of Karthaia The Akropolis of Karthaia housed sacred buildings, including the temples of Apollo and of Athena. Public laws were recorded inside the temple of Apollo, the divine protector of the island.

Icon of Akropolis Sanctuary Akropolis Sanctuary A symbol of Athens’s grandeur, the Akropolis was built at the city’s peak. After the Persian Wars, Perikles hired famous artists to erect this imposing sanctuary with the Delian League’s wealth.

Icon of Aliki Quarry Aliki Quarry The quarries of Aliki supplied the most beautiful marble on the island. The deposit’s proximity to the sea made extraction and exportation easier. The site was mined continuously throughout antiquity.

Icon of Alponos Alponos Alponos, the first village founded in Lokris, was also famous for serving as the Greek naval base during the Persian Wars.

Icon of Altar of Aphrodite Altar of Aphrodite The island’s sailors and fishermen prayed to the goddess to watch over them in nearby waters, which were known to be difficult to navigate. The gilt-head bream was sacred to her.

Icon of Altar of Apollo Maleatas Altar of Apollo Maleatas Apollo Maleatas and Asklepios shared this sacred place on Mount Kynortion. Starting in the eighth century BCE, people worshipped Apollo as both a physician and as Asklepios’s father.

Icon of Altar of Artemis Altar of Artemis The cult of Artemis was widespread over the Kyklades. She was worshipped notably under the name Artemis Hekaerge, meaning “striking from a distance.”

Icon of Altar of Love Altar of Love The altar speaks to the rivalry between Eros and Anteros, sitting in front of the entrance to the Academy and near the famous gymnasium.

Icon of Altar of Melikertes Altar of Melikertes Melikertes met a sad fate, ultimately ending when his mother threw both of them into the sea. Sisyphos found Melikertes’s body and buried it. He founded a cult and the Isthmian Games in his honor.

Icon of Altar of Prometheus Altar of Prometheus A torch relay beginning at the foot of the altar - located near the Academy - was held in honor of Prometheus.

Icon of Altar of the Dioskouroi Altar of the Dioskouroi Legend has it that Kastor and Polydeukes were born on Mount Taygetos, near Sparta. The two young heroes and fighters were central to the Spartan warrior ritual at the beginning of campaigns.

Icon of Altar of the Twelve Gods Altar of the Twelve Gods This altar dedicated to the twelve gods seems to have also served as a place of refuge and a topographical point of reference. Herodotos used it to give sample distances.

Icon of Altar of Zeus Altar of Zeus This altar was made of sacrificed ashes mixed with Alpheios River water. On the third day of the Games, 100 oxen offered by the Eleians were killed, giving them sovereignty over the shrine.

Icon of Amphipolis Amphipolis Erected on Strymon’s east bank, Amphipolis played a strategic and economic role partly because of nearby silver mines. Settled by the Athenians, the city was captured by Sparta’s Brasidas in 424 BCE.

Icon of Amyklai Farm Amyklai Farm According to tradition, Amyklai was the home of Tyndareus and his two illustrious sons, Kastor and Polydeukes. It was known for its abundance of fruit trees.

Icon of Andania Mine Andania Mine Located near the future Messene, Andania was home to king Aristomenes, the general who rose up in the second Messinian War against the Spartans. They say his ghost haunted Spartans after his death.

Icon of Anthion Flowery Well Anthion Flowery Well It was here that Demeter, disguised as an old woman, is said to have met the daughters of Eleusis’s first king, Keleos. She took refuge in his home, teaching him rituals of her famed cult in Eleusis.

Icon of Apollo of Salamina Apollo of Salamina This bronze statue of Apollo was dedicated to recall the naval victory of the Athenians and the oracle received by Themistokles.

Icon of Archegesion of Delos Archegesion of Delos Dedicated to the island’s mythical founder, the archegetes Anios, this sanctuary was where he was honored as a hero.

Icon of Areopagus Areopagus Named for being Ares's rock, this hill sat next to the Akropolis. In mythology, it is where Ares was judged for killing Poseidon’s son. The Areopagus was the court that decided homicide cases.

Icon of Argo Wreckage Argo Wreckage Jason and the Argonauts’ ship, Argo, was built by Argos and Athena. The goddess carved the bow from one of Dodona’s sacred oaks. The ship was dedicated to Poseidon at Korinth after the expedition.

Icon of Argos Argos Founded at the foot of two akropolises, Argos has been occupied since prehistoric times. Praised for its heroes, it gained great fame in the fifth century BCE for its talented sculptors.

Icon of Asine Ruins Asine Ruins Asine was destroyed in the seventh century BCE by the Argives for helping the Spartans in their war against Argos. After its demise, the Spartans gave Asine citizens compensatory land in Messenia.

Icon of Astypalia City Astypalia City Astypalaia was the largest city on the island, acting as its political center. It was home to most of the island’s population - its most celebrated citizen being the famous Hippokrates.

Icon of Athenian Portico Athenian Portico This building was constructed against the polygonal wall that supported the terrace of the temple of Apollo and was used for setting up ex-votos, mostly spoils of war.

Icon of Athenian Treasury Athenian Treasury The Athenians dedicated this treasury to Apollo as the first fruits from the Persians at the Battle of Marathon.

Icon of Athenian Tumulus Athenian Tumulus The state erected a burial mound at the heart of the plain for the 192 Athenians who fell during the Battle of Marathon. The tumulus of the Plataians was located three km north.

Icon of Athens Athens Athens achieved glory in the fifth century BCE under Perikles, who made it a great military power at the head of an alliance of cities. It was the birthplace of democracy.

Icon of Athens Mint Athens Mint The mint is the place where coins are struck into creation. Round metal disks were prepared and then struck between two matrices to make a coin. Athens’s coinage was the most plentiful in Greece.

Icon of Battle of the Giants and Gods Battle of the Giants and Gods Here, frightening beings of invincible strength, the Giants, avenged the Titans who were ousted by the Olympians. In result, the Giants were struck by lightning and pierced with flying arrows.

Icon of Battleground of Plataia Battleground of Plataia The Battle of Plataia - the last land battle of the Greco-Persian Wars - took place here in 479 BCE. This decisive victory brought Xerxes’s Persian invasion to a permanent end.

Icon of Boar Fighting Club Boar Fighting Club Young Spartans performed ritual battles in this island-shaped area. Before combat, they sacrificed a black puppy to god of war Enyalios, and then organized boar fights.

Icon of Bouleuterion of Athens Bouleuterion of Athens This building housed a council of 500 members, who were in charge of the city laws.

Icon of Bouleuterion of Delphi Bouleuterion of Delphi The Bouleuterion was the seat of a small local council which had judicial and financial powers. They met there every six months.

Icon of Boura Boura Nestled in the mountains, Boura was either named for Ion's daughter or the centaur Dexamenos, who owned cattle there. A site nearby was used to learn about the future by throwing knucklebones.

Icon of Bridge to Euboea Bridge to Euboea It is said that construction of the first bridge between Euboea and the continent began across the Euripos Strait during the Peloponnesian War. Theramenes the Athenian tried to stop its construction.

Icon of Bronze Club of Periphetes Bronze Club of Periphetes This bandit from Epidauros attacked unsuspecting travelers with his bronze club. Luckily for them, Theseus killed him while on his return voyage to Attika.

Icon of Bronze Vessel of Ares Bronze Vessel of Ares Ares was punished on Naxos for the murder of Adonis, Aphrodite’s beloved. The Aloadai, Poseidon’s sons, imprisoned Ares in a large bronze jar for thirteen long months.

Icon of Buried Head of Medusa Buried Head of Medusa It was said that Medusa’s head, which was brought back by Perseus, was found in a mound of earth near the Argos agora.

Icon of Burned Farm Burned Farm In the early years of the war, the Spartans invaded Attika’s countryside, destroying crops, and burning farms to starve the Athenians and force them to fight on land.

Icon of Burned Temple of Charites Burned Temple of Charites The temple of the Charites was the oldest in Orchomenos. The three goddesses, often called Graces, were worshipped as deities of the Kephissos River. Eteokles was the first to honor them.

Icon of Burned Temple of Hera Burned Temple of Hera The Persian general Mardonios burned this temple during the Greco-Persian Wars. Although it was not rebuilt, the Athenians placed a new statue of the goddess on the spot.

Icon of Cave of Ionides Cave of Ionides Constructed by mortals, this resembled the cave on Ida where it was said that Zeus spent his youth. It was a grotto where Zeus was honored, located near the Kronion, the hill of Kronos.

Icon of Cave of Iphimedeia Cave of Iphimedeia Being in love with Poseidon, Iphimedeia often walked to the sea and collected its waters in her lap. There she became, by Poseidon, the mother of the Aloadai, Otos and Ephialtes.

Icon of Cave of Mt. Zas Cave of Mt. Zas Naxos Island is peppered with places that have been pinpointed as important in Zeus's youth. The god of men and gods had been everywhere, including the cave of Mt. Zas on Naxos.

Icon of Cave of Pan Cave of Pan Known for its boulders and stalagmites resembling a herd of goats, this grotto dedicated to Pan is located near Marathon, on the south coast.

Icon of Cave of Tethys Cave of Tethys The titan daughter of Uranus and Gaia, Tethys married her brother Okeanos and became the mother of Greece's rivers.

Icon of Cave of the Nymphs Cave of the Nymphs This cave served as a shelter for the Naiads, young nymphs who spun the sea into a glistening purple cloth. Odysseus prayed here in joy upon his return.

Icon of Cemetery Road Cemetery Road Along the road leaving the city were state-funded collective burial mounds for soldiers who died in combat, as well as a number of noteworthy private tombs. Perikles was buried here in 429 BCE.

Icon of Chalkis City Chalkis City Renowned for its metalworking and bronze weapon manufacturing, Chalkis was likely to fall away from Athens during the Peloponnesian War, and had to sign a treaty swearing loyalty to them.

Icon of Champion's Gymnasium Champion's Gymnasium The gymnasium was the training venue for Thasian athletes, the most famous of whom was Theagenes. His strength was legendary, and he was victorious in boxing and pankration at every Panhellenic Game.

Icon of Chariot of Amphiaraos Chariot of Amphiaraos As a leader and seer, Amphiaraos took part in the expedition of the seven against Thebes. According to myth, Zeus threw a thunderbolt, causing the earth to open and swallow him and his chariot.

Icon of Chariot of Hippolytos Chariot of Hippolytos Wrongfully accused by his stepmother, Phaidra, Theseus’s son died while driving his chariot by the sea. Desiring his son’s death, Theseus called on Poseidon, who sent a sea monster.

Icon of Charioteer of Delphi Charioteer of Delphi This statue was dedicated by the Tyrant of Gela to commemorate his victory at the chariot race during the Pythian Games of 478 or 474 BCE.

Icon of Chios Chios Chios was a major city. Its inhabitants were regarded as the richest Greeks. Besides mastic, Chios exported wine and figs and had one of the biggest fleets.

Icon of Chora of Delphi Chora of Delphi Since the city of Delphi operated a Panhellenic sanctuary, the surrounding area enjoyed the special status associated with the oracle's property.

Icon of City of Orchomenos City of Orchomenos The former capital of the legendary Minyan race formed a district of Boeotia. The city’s protector, Zeus, and Dionysos were honored there, but its most famous sanctuary was to the Charites, also called the Graces.

Icon of Club of Herakles Club of Herakles It is said that when Herakles put down his wild olive-wood club in Argolis, it took root and began to sprout leaves.

Icon of Copper Mine Copper Mine The island was famous for its copper mines. The ore is one of the ingredients in the alloy bronze, which was used to make sculptures, domestic items, small coins, and weapons.

Icon of Cyclopean Head of Medusa Cyclopean Head of Medusa A Medusa’s head allegedly shaped by Cyclopean hands was set up in Argolis. Various monuments in the Peloponnese were attributed to Cyclopes "builders."

Icon of Daidalos Armory Daidalos Armory Daidalos was an architect, sculptor, inventor, and artisan known in antiquity for creating wonders of the Greek world. One of his most legendary contributions was the labyrinth.

Icon of Daidalos's Statue of Herakles Daidalos's Statue of Herakles Located at the border of Messenia and Arkadia, this statue is said to have been created by the famous Daidalos. This eclectic artist was known as a skilled inventor, architect, and sculptor.

Icon of Deathbed of Ariadne Deathbed of Ariadne Ariadne, in love with Theseus, was abandoned by the hero on Naxos after he returned to Athens. She was killed by the wrathful Artemis for defiling a sacred place dedicated to the goddess.

Icon of Dedication of the Knidians Dedication of the Knidians This building was a meeting and dining place that was decorated with paintings commemorating the fall of Troy and the return of the victorious Greek heroes.

Icon of Dekelia Dekelia During the Peloponnesian War, Dekelia was used as a Spartan base at Alkibiades’s recommendation. The location allowed the Spartans to be at the crossroads of supply routes.

Icon of Destroyed House of Oinomaos Destroyed House of Oinomaos This King of Pisa refused to let his daughter marry, as an oracle predicted his son-in-law would kill him. He had suitors go against him in a chariot race, where Pelops beat him with Poseidon’s horses.

Icon of Diolkos East Ramp Diolkos East Ramp This seven km paved ramp had a track so boats could cross the Isthmus of Korinth without having to go around the Peloponnese. It was used by both military and commercial boats.

Icon of Diolkos West Ramp Diolkos West Ramp This seven km paved ramp had a track so boats could cross the Isthmus of Korinth without having to go around the Peloponnese. It was used by both military and commercial boats.

Icon of Drogarati Cave Drogarati Cave Prehistoric bones were found inside this cave, which reaches depths of 95 meters.

Icon of Dromos Dromos This racetrack in the Korinthian agora is one of the oldest, built in the sixth century BCE. Its layout seems to confirm knowledge and the use of pi.

Icon of Dromos Dromos The Dromos course was for footraces, but it was also the place where young people were integrated into the city. Young Spartans offered sacrifices at a statue of Herakles when they became adults.

Icon of Eleusis Telesterion Eleusis Telesterion Dedicated to Demeter and Persephone, the Telesterion was where people were inducted into the Eleusinian Mysteries. This secret initiation offered the promise of a better life in the beyond.

Icon of Elis Elis Elis was created by the merging of villages, forming one of the biggest cities in the Peloponnese. It was especially well known for its sanctuary of Olympia, which gave it prestige and wealth.

Icon of Entrance to the Underworld Entrance to the Underworld Many entrances to the underworld were known in ancient Greece. This entrance is linked to where Demeter’s daughter was abducted by Hades, who stole her away to the underworld, wanting to marry her.

Icon of Epidauros Epidauros Epidauros was strategically placed between Athens and Argos as an entry point for pilgrims. They would travel from all over Greece to the nearby healing sanctuary of Asklepios.

Icon of Erechtheion Erechtheion Known for its caryatids, this asymmetrical temple was dedicated to Poseidon, Athena, and two legendary kings, Erechtheus and Kekrops. It was the most significant site of worship at the Akropolis.

Icon of Eresos Eresos Eresos joined the Mytilenean revolt against Athens during the Peloponnesian War. It was also known as the birthplace of the poet Sappho.

Icon of Eretria Eretria This city on the island’s west coast was known as the first target during the Persians’ raid against Greece. Eretria was violently attacked for six days, with many residents taken to Persia.

Icon of Eumaios's Pig Farm Eumaios's Pig Farm Eumaios was Odysseus's loyal swineherd. He was the first to welcome him back to Troy and assisted him in the slaughter of Penelope's suitors.

Icon of Farm of Elais Farm of Elais Elais was one of three daughters of Anios, who ruled Delos during the Trojan War. Dionysos gave her the ability to make oil spring from the ground.

Icon of Farm of Tripodiskos Farm of Tripodiskos Tripodiskos was born when an Argive brought a tripod from Delphi. They had orders from the Pythia that wherever it fell, he must live and build a temple to Apollo.

Icon of Fisherman's Beachhead Fisherman's Beachhead To tenderize octopus flesh, ancient Greek fishermen faithfully followed Hippokrates’s proverb to give them two sets of seven blows. Octopus was very popular, notably for its aphrodisiac properties.

Icon of Forest of Pholos Forest of Pholos Herakles met the centaur Pholos here while hunting the Erymanthian boar. When Pholos opened a jar of wine, other armed centaurs arrived, and Herakles fought them, killing all - including Pholos.

Icon of Forge Forge The forge was the place where metal was worked to make weapons, swords, shields, and spears. Blacksmiths revered Hephaistos, the blazing god of metallurgy and fire.

Icon of Fort Geraneia Fort Geraneia Mt. Geraneia, or "crane hill," was named for the flock of cranes that showed Megaros the way to its peak to escape a flood.

Icon of Fort Tiryns Fort Tiryns On a rocky hill in the Argive plains, “mighty-walled" Tiryns was the second most important site in the Mycenaean world. Linked with Herakles, it had a palace, Cyclopean walls, and tunnels.

Icon of Fortified Marble Quarry Fortified Marble Quarry Paros’s marble was the most famous in ancient history. With an exquisite white color and a ghostly transparency, it was used throughout the world for the most prestigious sculptures and buildings.

Icon of Fountain of Glauke Fountain of Glauke This fountain was named after Jason's second wife, who threw herself in after wearing a poisoned cape given to her by Jason's first wife.

Icon of Fountain of Peirene Fountain of Peirene The fountain of Peirene was in the middle of the city - near the road leading to the port. It was made up of many reservoirs, and, according to tradition, was connected with the spring on the Akrokorinth.

Icon of Garden of Kynosarges Garden of Kynosarges This place owes its origins to the hero Didymos, who - wanting to make a sacrifice to the god of wine - was stopped by a white (argos) dog (kunos) who stole the animal he intended to sacrifice.

Icon of Giant Heroes Burial Ground Giant Heroes Burial Ground Poseidon’s two sons, the Aloadai, were buried on the island. The strong, bold giants threatened the gods by piling up mountains to reach Olympos.

Icon of Gorani Marble Quarry Gorani Marble Quarry Gorani was the best known marble quarry in Sparta. Very fine-grained, light gray marble was extracted there.

Icon of Gortyn Gortyn Gortyn was one of Krete’s most affluent cities. Legends included Europa giving birth to King Minos and the bull who sired the Minotaur. Gortyn’s law code was the oldest of the Occidental world.

Icon of Gortyn Code Gortyn Code Inscribed in the fifth century BCE, this famous piece of legislation regulated Gortyn's civil life. It included the management of family affairs affecting inheritance, divorce, adoption, and widowhood.

Icon of Grand Temple of Apollo Grand Temple of Apollo This was the largest of the three temples dedicated to Apollo. Its construction began when the island became the seat of the Delian League between 475 - 450 BCE.

Icon of Grave of Laios Grave of Laios When he went to consult the Oracle of Delphi, Laios, the father of Oedipous, was killed by his son without either knowing who the other was.

Icon of Grave of Sisyphos Grave of Sisyphos Sisyphos was the mythical founder of Korinth and the Isthmian Games. For defying Zeus, he was condemned to push a boulder to the top of a hill for eternity. His tomb is said to be in Korinthia.

Icon of Grotto of Pan Grotto of Pan This Arkadian native was half man, half goat, and protected shepherds and flocks. Since this god was associated with the wild countryside and mountainous settings, several caves were dedicated to him.

Icon of Gymnasium Gymnasium This was the training ground for athletes, who coated their bodies in olive oil and sprinkled on sand for sun protection and body temperature regulation. After training, it was removed with a strigil.

Icon of Hall of the Forty-Nine Skulls Hall of the Forty-Nine Skulls Danaos’s fifty daughters each received a dagger for their marriages to his brother Aigyptos’s fifty sons. Though Danaos commanded his daughters kill their husbands, one chose to save her spouse.

Icon of Healing Sanctuary of Amphiaraos Healing Sanctuary of Amphiaraos Established as a hero and seer, Amphiaraos had an oracular sanctuary near Oropos. Patients were treated through dreams. After healing, a gold or silver coin was tossed into the sanctuary’s spring.

Icon of Heraion of Argos Heraion of Argos Founded in the ninth century BCE on a hillside, the sanctuary of Hera housed many buildings. The oldest temple dedicated to this goddess, protector of the city, was burned in 423 BCE by Chrysis.

Icon of Heraion of Samos Heraion of Samos The Heraion of Samos and the Heraion of Argos were the largest sanctuaries dedicated to Hera in the Greek world. Samos’s sanctuary was one of the very first temples made of stone.

Icon of Heraklion Heraklion This small town was named after the Greek hero Herakles. It's best known for being the port for the city of Knossos.

Icon of Herb Fishing Village Herb Fishing Village Fishing has a crucial role in Greek society. It's a staple in their diet - especially for people of modest means. Greeks mastered line, net, and even harpoon fishing.

Icon of Hermippos's Residence Hermippos's Residence Also known as Poulytion’s home, this was one of the most beautiful in Athens. It was dedicated to Dionysos after the host was sentenced for performing a parody of the Eleusinian Mysteries.

Icon of Hestiatorion Hestiatorion Banquets were held inside this building on feast days. They increased the population’s feeling of religiosity and strengthened the ties between the public and divine spheres.

Icon of Hippodrome Hippodrome Horse races were some of the most popular and spectacular events of the Olympic Games, featuring races of chariots pulled by two horses (biga) and four horses (quadriga), as well as mounted races.

Icon of Hippokratic School of Medicine Hippokratic School of Medicine The Asklepiads - the most famous being Hippokrates - practiced at the medical school of Kos. They were said to be the descendants of Asklepios, passing knowledge down through the generations.

Icon of House of Aphrodite House of Aphrodite Brothels were located near the Kerameikos quarter, which was named for its numerous pottery workshops.

Icon of Huntress Village Huntress Village Hunting was an integral part of Greek education. Not only did it prepare Greeks for war, but it tested their bravery. Various game was hunted, like lynx, bear, boar, hare, partridge, and grouse.

Icon of Kadmeia Kadmeia The akropolis of Thebes was called Kadmeia after its legendary founder, Kadmos. He left in search of his sister Europa when she was kidnapped by Zeus, who had taken the form of a bull.

Icon of Kalydonian Boar Kalydonian Boar While making sacrifices for a bountiful harvest, the king of Kalydon forgot the altars of Artemis. To retaliate, Artemis sent a wild boar to ravage the country.

Icon of Karystos Dock Karystos Dock Karystos was located at an important meeting point of shipping routes linking the Gulf of Euboea and the Aegean archipelago. It was also known for joining the Persian army in the Persian Wars.

Icon of Kastalian Fountain Kastalian Fountain Pilgrims, the Pythia, and priests alike were required to perform ablutions here before consulting the oracle.

Icon of Keadas Cave Keadas Cave Keadas was a chasm that had seen many deaths. People sentenced to die and Sparta's captured enemies were thrown into its depths. Aristomenes was thrown twice, but managed to make a legendary escape.

Icon of Kephisos Spring Kephisos Spring Personified as a man with bull horns, the Kephisos River was worshipped as a god. It fed into the plain of Phokis and Boeotia and ended in Lake Kopais.

Icon of Kerkyon Wrestling Ground Kerkyon Wrestling Ground It was on the road from Eleusis to Megara that Kerkyon forced travelers to wrestle, killing those he defeated. In consequence, he was violently put to death by Theseus.

Icon of Kleptous Bay Kleptous Bay The ancient Greek word "kleptes" lives on as the root word of kleptomania, which describes an impulse to steal - usually without an economic motive.

Icon of Knossos Palace Knossos Palace This palace - the largest of all palaces - was built in the 17th century BCE and is linked to the legend of King Minos. More than 13,000 square meters, it's made up of several rooms around a central courtyard.

Icon of Kolonos Hippios Kolonos Hippios This hill was home to an altar shared by Poseidon and Athena, honored as protectors of horses, which were used for transport, war, racing, and hunting.

Icon of Koressia Koressia Close to Attika on the northwest side of the island, Koressia could be reached from Athens in 24 hours. Its economic history was tied to its silver mines and the miltos used to paint triremes.

Icon of Korinth Korinth Korinth was a major commercial city that controlled the Isthmus of Korinth through its two ports on the Aegean Sea and the Gulf of Korinth. Its position contributed to its prosperity in trades.

Icon of Korkyraean Bull Korkyraean Bull This bull was offered by the people of Korkyra after a miraculous day of tuna fishing.

Icon of Kresilas's Residence Kresilas's Residence Kresilas was a celebrated Kretan sculptor. He famously crafted a statue of Perikles standing on the Akropolis, called “Olympian Perikles.”

Icon of Krokeai Krokeai The Perioikoi may not have been equal to Spartan citizens, but they too were involved in the military affairs of the Lakedaimonian army, serving as hoplites.

Icon of Krotoniate Tripod Krotoniate Tripod After their victory over the Sybarites, the Krotoniates dedicated to Apollo a tripod that was also the emblem of the coinage of Kroton, an Achaian colony in southern Italy.

Icon of Kydonia Kydonia Kydonia was re-founded in the sixth century BCE by the Samians, yet it is still considered one of the oldest cities in Krete. Its name is said to have derived from the quinces grown there.

Icon of Kyllene Kyllene Located on the coast, Kyllene was a base for the Eleian fleet. Aphrodite and Asklepios were worshipped there with statues made of ivory. The cult of Hermes was particularly popular.

Icon of Kynthos Ruins Kynthos Ruins Settlements dating back to the third millennium were erected on Mount Kynthos and then abandoned. It was also famous for being the place where Leto gave birth to Artemis and Apollo.

Icon of Kythera Town Kythera Town Renowned for its purple dye and strategic position on the Aegean Sea, Kythera was coveted by many cities during the Peloponnesian War. Taking it was one of the Athenian army’s challenges.

Icon of Lake Abythos Lake Abythos Located near the city of Pronnoi, Kephallonia's only lake is so deep that it was long believed to have no bottom.

Icon of Lalaia Lalaia The city was named for the nymph Lalaia, daughter of the river god Kephisos. It was built near the springs the nymph was believed to protect.

Icon of Lato Lato The city of Lato was built on a double akropolis with homes built on the slopes. Its protector was Eileithyia, the goddess of childbirth often associated with Hera and Artemis.

Icon of Learna Swamp Learna Swamp Despite the lake's calm look, it was known for draining its swimmers out the bottom. Just southwest from here, Herakles killed the Hydra, cauterizing its necks to prevent its heads from growing back.

Icon of Lebadeia Lebadeia Lebadeia was mainly known for the Oracle of Trophonios, which was consulted by people everywhere. Neraby was also a sanctuary of Zeus Basileos, the city’s protective deity.

Icon of Leonidaion Leonidaion The Leonidaion was a guesthouse with a number of rooms on all sides for important visitors to the sanctuary. Its name is derived from the name of its architect, Leonidas of Naxos.

Icon of Lesche of the Knidians Lesche of the Knidians The Liparians dedicated a group of Apollo statues to commemorate a naval victory over the Etruscans. Twenty statues for the twenty ships seized by the enemy.

Icon of Lighthouse of the Father of Ajax Lighthouse of the Father of Ajax Ajax's father went with Jason on the quest for the golden fleece and the Kalydonian boar, and then to Salamis after killing his own brother. He watched the boat taking his sons to Troy from the port.

Icon of Lightning Zeus Lightning Zeus The Lightning Zeus is depicted as such to mirror the geophysical phenomena of Mount Ainos, known for its spectacular thunderstorms.

Icon of Limnai Limnai Limnai was one of the original villages that formed Sparta. The temple of Artemis Orthia was nearby, whose worship was associated with the long process for future Spartan citizens.

Icon of Lion of Leonidas Lion of Leonidas In the fifth century BCE, a stone lion was placed on the hill of Thermopylai to commemorate Leonidas. It was near the five stelai and mass grave for those who fell in the defense of Thermopylai.

Icon of Lost Garden of Bacchylides Lost Garden of Bacchylides Bacchylides, a great poet of the fifth century BCE, was born on the island. His poems celebrated the gods, Athenian democracy, and Olympic winners such as the tyrant of Syrakousai.

Icon of Lost Shrine of Poseidon Lost Shrine of Poseidon Legend has it that an oracle directed the residents of Lesbos to make a sacrifice to Poseidon and his wife, Amphitrite, by throwing a bull and a maiden from a rocky headland into the sea.

Icon of Lykeion Garden Lykeion Garden This place tells the story of Lykos, a priest and mythical seer who instituted the cult of Apollo Lykeios. The priest of this cult had a reserved place at the theater of Dionysos.

Icon of Madness Cave Madness Cave It was in this cave in the Aroanian mountains that the daughters of Proitos, king of the Tiryns, took refuge after Dionysos drove them mad.

Icon of Marathon Marathon Marathon owes its name to the fennel thriving in its swamps. It was known for the great battle between 10,000 Greeks and 500,000 Persians in 490 BCE. 6,400 Persians died versus only 192 Athenians.

Icon of Marble Trophy Marble Trophy After the battle of Marathon, the Athenians and their allies erected a marble trophy to mark their victory and the 6,400 Persians killed.

Icon of Marble Workshop Marble Workshop One of the 170 trades in Athens was marble work. Having become a major hub for marble sculpture, Athens attracted artists from across the Greek world. Their protector was Athena Ergane.

Icon of Mastic Farm Mastic Farm Chios was the primary source of mastic, a fragrant resin extracted from the mastic tree and used as a varnish and a flavoring. Some wines were mastic-flavored, too.

Icon of Megara Megara Megara occupied a territory that held great military and commercial significance in mainland Greece.

Icon of Melanthios's Goat Farm Melanthios's Goat Farm Melanthios, Odysseus's goatherd, mistook him for a beggar upon his return and hit him. Sure his master had died in Troy, he betrayed him to impress Penelope's suitors.

Icon of Melissani Cave Melissani Cave The Melissani Cave is dedicated to the god Pan. Located 20 m below ground, it is 160 m long and 40 m deep. It contains stalactites that are over 20,000 years old.

Icon of Melos Melos Founded by Spartan settlers on a volcanic island, Melos's main city goes by the same name. It was known for its resources such as sulfur and obsidian, which were exported across the Mediterranean.

Icon of Memorial of the Amazons Memorial of the Amazons The tomb of the Amazon Antiope was located near the temple of Zeus Olympian. Theseus mortally wounded her during the Amazonian invasion of Attika.

Icon of Menelaion Menelaion This sanctuary sat on a rocky cliff overlooking the city and fertile plains. It was dedicated to the Spartan king Menelaus and his wife, Helen, over whom the Trojan War was fought for ten years.

Icon of Mesoa Mesoa Mesoa was one of the four villages that united in the eighth century BCE to form the Spartan city-state under the authority of two families of kings: the Eurypontids and the Agiads.

Icon of Military Fort of Gla Military Fort of Gla Gla was already fortified in the Mycenaean period. A Cyclopean wall surrounded the city on an island in Lake Kopais. A drainage system emptied and filled the lake to irrigate the plain.

Icon of Monument of Epigones Monument of Epigones After their victory over the Spartans, this monument was erected by the Argives and represents the seven leaders of the legendary expedition against Thebes.

Icon of Monument of Hippolytos Monument of Hippolytos This cenotaph was erected in honor of Theseus’s son, with whom Phaidra, his father’s wife, fell in love. When he rebuffed her, Phaidra accused him of violence, bringing about his death.

Icon of Monument of Melissa Monument of Melissa The tomb of the Korinthian tyrant Periander’s wife was located near Epidauros. Her husband killed her after a fit of jealousy.

Icon of Monument of Militiades Monument of Militiades This monument was dedicated in 465 BCE to commemorate the battle of Marathon, which took place 30 years prior.

Icon of Monument of the Eponymous Heroes Monument of the Eponymous Heroes Official documents, including the list of military contingents, were posted on this monument dedicated to the eponymous heroes of Athens.

Icon of Mt. Pentelikos Marble Quarry Mt. Pentelikos Marble Quarry To reduce transport weight, the quarry provided a leveled product that was finished on-site. Blocks were then taken by land and boat for export.

Icon of Mt. Pentelikos Village Mt. Pentelikos Village East of Athens, Mt. Pentelikos was the source of the marble used in architectural construction of Perikles’s grand project on the Akropolis.

Icon of Murex Dyeing Facility Murex Dyeing Facility The purple dye for clothing came from shellfish. Captured alive, they exhaled their colored juices at death. Millions of snails were needed to get a small amount of the special substance.

Icon of Mycenae Mycenae Home of King Agamemnon, Mycenae was one of the oldest cities in Greece. Dating from the third millennium BCE, it's said its walls were the work of Cyclopes. It was abandoned in the fifth century BCE.

Icon of Mykonos City Mykonos City According to mythology, Mykonos was created from the petrified bodies of giants killed by Herakles. The city was famous for its blue granite and abundant wells.

Icon of Myrina Myrina Myrina was best known for its cults of Artemis, Athena Selene, and the Mother Goddess. One of its important goods was Lemnian soil, which was said to heal wounds and snake bites.

Icon of Mytilene Mytilene Mytilene was under Persian domination, but became a loyal ally of Athens after the Greco-Persian Wars. However, faced with the increase in tribute to Athens, it decided to revolt in 428 BCE.

Icon of Nauplia Nauplia Nauplia, meaning “naval station,” is the port of Argolis. The Spartans arrived by boat for the Battle of Sepeia after sacrifices yielded unfavorable omens advising them not to cross the Eranos River.

Icon of Naxian Sphinx Naxian Sphinx Naxos, a rich island in the Kyklades renowned for its artistic tradition, consecrated this votive in remembrance of its privilege to consult with the Pythia before others.

Icon of Naxos Naxos As the largest of the Kyklades, Naxos was known for its marble and emery. It was also the birthplace of Dionysos, and where Ariadne was abandoned by her beloved Theseus.

Icon of Nemean Lion Nemean Lion The hide of this invincible creature could not be burned or pierced by any weapon. Herakles used his cunning to trap it in its den, then strangled it with his own hands. He wore the hide himself.

Icon of Odeon of Perikles Odeon of Perikles The Odeon showed musical performances and was modeled after the Persian king Xerxes’s tent, which was brought back as plunder. It was the largest building in Athens and the first theater to receive a roof.

Icon of Odysseus's Palace Odysseus's Palace Odysseus, the most illustrious of all Greek heroes, was among the chiefs who set out for Troy. He returned to Ithaka and reclaimed his palace twenty years later.

Icon of Oil Workshop Oil Workshop A flagship product of ancient Greece, oil was used in food, personal care, perfumery, and lighting. Physicians also attributed therapeutic properties to it.

Icon of Olive Farm Olive Farm Olive trees were grown both for their fruit - a staple in Greek diets - and their oil, used for medicine and perfumery. They were picked from the ground after shaking or beating the trees with poles.

Icon of Olive Tree of Herakles Olive Tree of Herakles Herakles’s club was made of wood from a wild olive tree near the Saronida sea.

Icon of Olympic Gymnasium Olympic Gymnasium This complex was made up of a central courtyard surrounded by rooms for changing, washing, and exercising. It had punching balls for boxers, and wrestling and pankration were practiced there.

Icon of Olympic Pool Olympic Pool This rectangular pool was equipped with a water supply and drainage system.The Greek baths were adjacent.

Icon of Olympic Shipwreck Olympic Shipwreck The Olympic Games drew many travelers, many of whom came by sea. Shipwrecks were frequent and a valid excuse for athletes’ late arrivals.

Icon of Olympic Tree Olympic Tree The wild olive tree from which Olympic winners’ crowns were made was called the olive tree of the “beautiful crown.” Branches were cut with a golden sickle.

Icon of Opous Opous Opous was Lokris’s main city and the hometown of the hero Patroklos. It was famed for aiding Leonidas during the Persian wars and for its pirates harassing fifth-century BCE Athenian traders.

Icon of Oreos Quarry Oreos Quarry Open-pit mines made ore extraction - done with wedges, pickaxes, and mallets - easier. Once a slab was freed, it could be moved with cranes, pulleys, levers, and rails.

Icon of Origins of the Karyatids Origins of the Karyatids The woman-shaped columns were inspired by either the punished women of Karyes who joined the Persians in war, or the young women of Karyes, who danced for Artemis Karyatis.

Icon of Pagai Pagai Pagai held strategic importance during the Persian War, and played a pivotal role during the Peloponnesian War.

Icon of Palace of Hippomedon Palace of Hippomedon Known for his gigantic size, Hippomedon's claim to fame was participating in the expedition of the seven against Thebes. The ruins of the palace he lived in are still visible.

Icon of Palm Tree of Eurymedon Palm Tree of Eurymedon This bronze palm was erected by the Athenians following their victory over the Persians at the Battle of Eurymedon. The victory put an end to the threat of another Persian invasion of Greece.

Icon of Panathenaia Panathenaia The boat that was used during Panathenaic processions was kept near the Areopagus. Equipped with wheels for the occasion, it was pulled like a parade float.

Icon of Panormos Panormos Panormos was renowned for its harbor, an excellent site to drop anchor.

Icon of Parnes Hunting Grounds Parnes Hunting Grounds This wooded mountain range separating Attika and Boeotia was famed for wild boar and bear hunting.

Icon of Paros Harbor Paros Harbor Thanks to its marble quarries, Paros was considered the richest of the Kyklades, and therefore paid the highest tribute the Delian League. It was often in rivalry with the neighboring city of Naxos.

Icon of Parthenon Parthenon Built to the glory of Athens’s protector, the Parthenon housed the gold and ivory statue of Athena made by Phidias. Made of Pentelic marble, the structure held the city’s and Delian League’s riches.

Icon of Patrai Patrai As the most prominent city in the region, Patrai was used as a naval base during the Peloponnesian War. It was also known for having twice as many women as men in its population.

Icon of Pavlopetri Pavlopetri This underwater city, whose first traces of dwellings date back to 5000 BCE, was home to monuments and tombs. It is said to have been engulfed after a series of devastating earthquakes.

Icon of Pellene Pellene Pellene has the distinction of being the first city in Achaia to join Sparta in the Peloponnesian War in 431 BCE.

Icon of Pelopeion Pelopeion It was dedicated to Pelops, which inspired the name “Peloponnese.” His cult developed into the founding myth of the Olympic Games, and a black ram was sacrificed in his honor every year.

Icon of Persian Cliff Persian Cliff This Persian cliff was named after the nephew of Darius. He attempted to kill the Megarians by night, but ended up shooting arrows into the cliff face instead.

Icon of Persian Trireme Persian Trireme The Persians fought a losing battle at Salamis. The resulting shipwrecks littered the Greek coasts, souvenirs of their defeat.

Icon of Persian Trophies Persian Trophies A stoa was raised on the agora using Persian spoils after the Greco-Persian Wars. Columns nearby featured defeated Persians such as Darius’s general, Mardonios.

Icon of Phaistos Theater Phaistos Theater A rectangular court sits in the heart of this palace perched on a hill surrounded by a plain of olive trees. It was used for religious ceremonies, political assemblies, and shows involving bulls.

Icon of Phaistos Village Phaistos Village Gortyn coveted Phaistos's territory from its founding. Phaistos was renowned for having the second largest palace, in which the clay disk was found.

Icon of Phaleron Sunken Harbor Phaleron Sunken Harbor Before Piraeus, the Phaleron port was used during the Greco-Persian Wars, but it was mainly known as the place where Athenian boats set out for the Trojan War.

Icon of Pheidon's Tomb Pheidon's Tomb Argos’s King Pheidon was known for his arrogance. He allegedly took the organization of the Olympic Games from Elis, and he was wrongfully credited in helping invent weights and measures.

Icon of Phidias's Workshop Phidias's Workshop Phidias was the greatest Greek sculptor. He created many masterpieces, including the Olympic sanctuary’s gold and ivory statue of Zeus, which was considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

Icon of Phigaleia Fishing Port Phigaleia Fishing Port Phigaleia was the home of the famed pankratiast Arrachion, who won posthumously when his opponent suffocated him illegally during a bout. His corpse was named the winner at the 564 BCE Olympic Games.

Icon of Phorkys Anchorage Phorkys Anchorage Named for the ancient sea god Phorkys, this bay was the first sight Odysseus saw upon his return. It provides a natural shelter for sailors from rough waters.

Icon of Pilgrimage Site Pilgrimage Site The oldest sanctuary of Aphrodite drew just as many sailors while in port as it did pilgrims coming for celebrations honoring the goddess.

Icon of Pillar of Dionysos Pillar of Dionysos This statue of the god of wine and fertility is located close to Megara. Only its face is visible - the rest of the body is hidden by foliage.

Icon of Pitana Pitana Like Mesoa, Pitana was one of the four original villages that formed Sparta. The Agiads, one of Sparta’s royal families, originated there.

Icon of Pnyx Pnyx Situated on a hill, this was where Athenians gathered for assemblies. Decrees were ratified, budgets voted on, and administration members appointed. It was where citizens could have a voice.

Icon of Poiessa Village Poiessa Village Located on the west coast of the island and bordering a fertile valley, Poiessa was an important farming area. Its spot was advantageous for coastal defense and monitoring maritime traffic to Athens.

Icon of Polykleitos's Workshop Polykleitos's Workshop Polykleitos preferred to work with bronze and the lost-wax casting technique as a sculptor. His known work, titled Kanon, described the perfect system of proportions for each part of the body.

Icon of Porneion Porneion Prostitution establishments, called porneions, were generally found in commercial areas - near ports, or agoras. The women who made this their trade could be either slaves or free women.

Icon of Port of Kechries Port of Kechries This port was ideally situated at the crossroads of eastern land and sea-trade routes. Aphrodite and Poseidon - whose bronze statues bordered the sea - were venerated there.

Icon of Port of Kreusis Port of Kreusis Kreusis was a fortified port dependent on Thespiai, but also used by Thebes. Protected from violent winds by a mole, it was the main Boeotian naval port on the Gulf of Korinth.

Icon of Port of Lechaion Port of Lechaion The port of Lechaion was artificially made in the time of Periander on the Gulf of Korinth. The city was connected to the port by long walls and to the port of Kechries by the Diolkos trackway.

Icon of Port of Piraeus Port of Piraeus The port was a socially and economically separate world split into three areas: military ports, commercial ports, and a residential area. It played a critical role in Athens’s impact as a naval power.

Icon of Potidaia Potidaia Founded by the Korinthians to make trade easier in Macedonia, Potidaia was central to an event leading to the Peloponnesian War. It sought Sparta and Korinth’s help to end Athens’s excessive demands.

Icon of Propylea Propylea This gateway marked the entrance of the Akropolis sanctuary. Constructed of Pentelic marble, it had a central building with five gates and was the end of the Sacred Way. Two wings housed paintings.

Icon of Prototype Trireme of Ameinokles Prototype Trireme of Ameinokles Ameinokles, the Korinthian shipbuilder, was the first Greek to build a trireme. This light, agile model with a rostrum for ramming became the main combat vessel of the fifth century BCE.

Icon of Prytaneion Prytaneion The goal of this court was to judge objects that had committed murder. The attempt of these legal actions removed the stains of blood spilled in the crime.

Icon of Prytaneion Prytaneion The Prytaneion contained an altar in honor of Hestia, and was where the Olympic flame burned. Priests and game officials resided there, and it was also used for Olympic victory ceremonies.

Icon of Racecourse of Atalanta Racecourse of Atalanta Atalanta would marry only if her suitor could beat her in a footrace. One suitor, Hippomenes, cunningly put golden apples in her path. Curious, she stopped to gather them and was forced to marry him.

Icon of Raven's Rock Raven's Rock Odysseus planned the murder of his wife's suitors here upon his return.

Icon of Red Lake Red Lake Aptly named “white gold,” sea salt was vital for adding flavor to food, but also for conserving, dyeing, and perfumery. The harvesting and trading of sea salt was a strictly systematized business.

Icon of Rhenea Rhenea This island served as the necropolis for Delos because, in 426 BCE, births and deaths were forbidden on the island of Apollo.

Icon of Ruined Temple of Apollo Ruined Temple of Apollo Apollo was one of the foremost gods in Megara, but this temple didn't necessarily reflect his importance. It was made of weak clay bricks, which eventually crumbled.

Icon of Ruined Temple of Athena Poliouchos Ruined Temple of Athena Poliouchos The city’s protector had a temple on the akropolis. Mazares, a Persian general who defected to Cyrus the Great, took refuge here. Many Chians would not dare to make sacrifices there after his capture.

Icon of Sacred Lake Sacred Lake This round body of water is one of the main features of Delos’s landscape. In antiquity, those who fished in it risked punishment.

Icon of Salamis Salamis Looking at the Salamis strait will always evoke the Greeks' victory over the Persians. Forced to fight in this narrow strait, the Persians couldn't make full use of their naval strength, and perished.

Icon of Sami Sami Sami is the oldest city on Kephallonia, an island reputed for the wood of its abies cephalonica fir trees.

Icon of Sanctuary of Apollo Sanctuary of Apollo Headquarters to the Delian League, the sanctuary held the League’s treasury in the Temple of Apollo until its transfer to Athens. It was a prestigious site for pilgrimages, festivals, and games.

Icon of Sanctuary of Asklepios Sanctuary of Asklepios This place was famous in Greece for attracting sick pilgrims. After the sick performed various rituals - fast, bath, and sacrifice - Asklepios would come to them in a dream and bring healing.

Icon of Sanctuary of Athena Sanctuary of Athena The Sanctuary of Athena was built on the Akropolis. Inside were three temples dedicated to worshipping her.

Icon of Sanctuary of Delphi Sanctuary of Delphi The Panhellenic Sanctuary of Delphi was renowned for the Oracle of Apollo, and considered the center of the world in ancient Greece.

Icon of Sanctuary of Eleusis Sanctuary of Eleusis Located on a rich plain, the sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone was the site of important religious festivities. The large size of the Telesterion attests to the popularity of the initiatory cult.

Icon of Sanctuary of Mt. Zas Sanctuary of Mt. Zas The sanctuary of Zeus was located on the island’s highest point. It was built where Zeus hid from his father, Kronos, until he was old enough to fight the Titans.

Icon of Sanctuary of Olympia Sanctuary of Olympia Constructed in the heart of Elide was this important sanctuary. Olympic games were celebrated every four years to honor Zeus and Hera, and brought eternal glory to the winners.

Icon of Sanctuary of Pan Sanctuary of Pan The modest sanctuary of the god Pan is held within a cave cut into the rock on the akropolis. He was honored by shepherds as the protector of flocks but also by soldiers as the god of panic.

Icon of Sanctuary of Sounion Sanctuary of Sounion On the edge of Attika, this sanctuary housed a temple of Poseidon. Sitting above the Aegean Sea, it enabled sailors to pray to Poseidon for safe passage on the seas.

Icon of Sanctuary of the Muses Sanctuary of the Muses The Sanctuary of the Muses was on the northeastern slopes of Mount Helikon. According to myth, the muses were the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne and may have inspired Hesiod’s Theogony.

Icon of Sappho School Sappho School Surnamed the tenth muse, Sappho taught young girls the art of lyric poetry in Lesbos. Her poetry spoke of love and torment, marriage, and female beauty.

Icon of Sea Captain Dock Sea Captain Dock The port of Kenchries also had a sanctuary of Aphrodite. She was honored there as a goddess of navigation and the sea - not as the goddess of love as on the Akrokorinth.

Icon of Shipwreck of Ajax Shipwreck of Ajax According to a late tradition, the Lokrian Ajax, the ancient hero of Troy, was buried in Mykonos.

Icon of Shipwreck of Dionysos and the Pirate Shipwreck of Dionysos and the Pirate Taking revenge on pirates who kidnapped him for money, Dionysos immobilized their ship in ivy vines. Driven mad, the pirates dove into the water and were turned into dolphins.

Icon of Shipwreck of Nestor Shipwreck of Nestor King of Pylos and ruler of Messenia, Nestor traveled Greece with Menelaus to form an army, leading an expedition against the city of Troy. He was the oldest and wisest hero in the Trojan War.

Icon of Shrine of Aphrodite Shrine of Aphrodite Aphrodite had an important role in Keos - especially for magistrates who made offerings and dedications to her. It was thought she would watch over all civic matters and protect their positions.

Icon of Shrine of Aphrodite Shrine of Aphrodite When Aphrodite emerged from the sea, Kythera was the first city to welcome her. Fleeing Troy, her son Aineias dedicated a shrine to her there. It is deemed the oldest in the Greek world.

Icon of Sikyonian Treasury Sikyonian Treasury This treasury celebrates the victories of the tyrant of Sikyon, Kleisthenes, during the First Sacred War. The monument was decorated with mythological legends, like the Argonauts’ expedition.

Icon of Silver Mines Silver Mines The akropolis mine supplied silver lead. Used to produce pure silver, one of the elements used to mint coins, it contributed greatly to the city’s wealth.

Icon of Sinis Torture Grounds Sinis Torture Grounds This ruthless bandit was in the habit of bending trees to tie people to them. When the trees were released, they pulled the unfortunate victims apart. Theseus killed him as punishment.

Icon of Site of Iphigenia's Sacrifice Site of Iphigenia's Sacrifice To appease Artemis who had immobilized his fleet, Agamemnon thought to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia. At the last minute, a goddess took pity, substituted a doe, and made Iphigenia a priestess.

Icon of Skandeia Harbor Skandeia Harbor This port on the island’s east coast was in the only easily accessible bay. It had a strategic role in controlling maritime trade with states in the southern Aegean, especially with Egypt and Libya.

Icon of Skyros Skyros The city of Skyros, which shares the island’s name, was famed for its goats and marble quarries. It had a fortified akropolis, a port, and sanctuaries dedicated to Achilles and Athena.

Icon of Slave Market Slave Market When bought by cities, slaves were used for public services. When bought by private citizens, they did domestic tasks, built buildings, worked in mines and workshops, on farms, or as bankers.

Icon of Smuggler's Shipwreck Smuggler's Shipwreck The hollow cast-bronze statue of Zeus or Poseidon - known as the Artemision Bronze - was found off this cape.

Icon of Snake Temple Snake Temple Apollo used arrows to kill the monstrous serpent Pytho, who originally guarded the oracle. For Greeks, the victory represented the triumph of order over chaos.

Icon of Sparta Sparta With one of the largest territories, Sparta had a great land-based military power, governing all Lakedaimonians. They were divided into Spartan citizens, free residents, slaves, and mothax.

Icon of Specter on the Rock Specter on the Rock Akteon, who was devoured by his dogs after seeing Artemis bathing naked, haunted this rock. An oracle ordered the hero’s remains be buried and a statue be erected where annual sacrifices were made.

Icon of Spring of Peirene Spring of Peirene Legend has it that Bellerophon, son of Korinth’s King Glaukos, captured the winged horse, Pegasos, when he came to drink at the spring of Peirene on the Akrokorinth.

Icon of Spring of Piera Spring of Piera The sixteen women tasked with organizing the Heraia - games for women - each came from an Eleian city. They sacrificed a pig and purified themselves in the spring of Piera before the ceremonies.

Icon of Spring of Rheitoi Spring of Rheitoi The saltwater streams in the fertile plain of Thria between Eleusis and Athens were called Rheitoi. The Spartan king Archidamos also routed the Athenian cavalry here.

Icon of Stadium Stadium Various types of races and contests took place in the stadium. Embankments contained spectators on the 192 m track. This length became a unit of measure the Greeks called the "stadion."

Icon of Statue of Apollo Statue of Apollo Named the Colossus of the Naxians, this statue representing Apollo was erected in front of the largest temple dedicated to him.

Icon of Statue of Artemis Agrotera Statue of Artemis Agrotera In the guise of a young girl and hunter, Artemis guided the various life stages just as she helped in combat. Before battle, Greeks offered a sacrifice to her under the name Agrotera (huntress).

Icon of Statue of Artemis Tauropolos Statue of Artemis Tauropolos The most famous statue of Artemis near this altar was brought back from Tauris by Iphigenia. Some say that it was stolen by the Persians, while others say that it was in Sparta or dedicated in Attika.

Icon of Statue of Demeter and Kore Statue of Demeter and Kore The statues of Demeter, goddess of the fruitful earth, and her daughter, Kore, stood near the sacred gate. They kept watch over the road connecting Athens and the Sanctuary of Eleusis.

Icon of Statue of Dionysos Statue of Dionysos The statue was made from the tree where Pentheus, who opposed the god’s cult, spied on both his mother and the Maenads in full Dionysian frenzy. He was pulled from the tree and torn limb from limb.

Icon of Statue of Fury Demeter Statue of Fury Demeter Furious at Poseidon’s advances, Demeter turned into a mare to elude the sea god. It was in vain, however, because Poseidon also turned into a horse. Their union produced the legendary horse Areion.

Icon of Statue of Herakles Statue of Herakles There was a statue of Herakles at the edge of the road from Elis to Olympia, called the Sacred Way. The statue was dedicated by a citizen of Taranto, a Spartan colony in southern Italy.

Icon of Statue of Kronos Statue of Kronos Kronos, king of the Titans and Zeus’s father, was honored in Elis. On the summit of the hill called the Kronion, priests called Basilai offered sacrifices to Kronos at the spring equinox.

Icon of Statue of Nemesis Statue of Nemesis The statue personified divine retribution and punished excess. Sculpted by Phidias from the block of marble brought by the Persians, they intended to use it as a trophy pedestal after taking Athens.

Icon of Statue of Theseus Statue of Theseus When Theseus returned to Athens, other factions had seized power. He decided to leave the city and return to Skyros, but he was betrayed by King Lykomedes, who tossed him off a cliff.

Icon of Statue of Zeus at Mt. Hymettos Statue of Zeus at Mt. Hymettos Located southeast of Athens, Mount Hymettos was 1,026 m high and known for its marble, its honey - the only source of sugar in ancient Greece - and its altar to Zeus Ombrios, bringer of rain.

Icon of Stele of Leitos Stele of Leitos Leitos was a Theban detachment polemarch during the Trojan War. He was the only Theban leader to return home after the war, but was injured by the Trojan hero Hektor.

Icon of Stele of Themistokles Stele of Themistokles In the face of invading Persians, this Athenian decree saw the evacuation of old men, furniture, goods, women, and children. Then, they boarded two hundred triremes with all able Athenians to fight.

Icon of Stone Pyramid Stone Pyramid This small stone pyramid was built at the city limit in tribute to Apollo Karinos.

Icon of Stymphalos Stymphalos Legendary man-eating birds lived near Stymphalos. As they increased in number, they became a menace, devastating crops and hurling their steel feathers. Herakles was the one to defeat them.

Icon of Suenites Quarry Suenites Quarry Most of the island was composed of granite - a material like marble - that was used in architectural construction and sculpture in antiquity.

Icon of Summit of Mount Ida Summit of Mount Ida This mountain - the central point of the island - saw the birth of Zeus. He was raised by a goat named Amalthea and fed on honey from Mount Ida bees. When Amalthea died, he used her skin as an aegis.

Icon of Sunken Wreck of Datis Sunken Wreck of Datis Datis was a Persian general who served the Persian empire under Darius I. On his return from the Battle of Marathon in 490 BCE, he stopped at Mykonos and Delos.

Icon of Sybil Rock Sybil Rock According to the Delphians, this rock was where a woman bearing the nickname Sibyl settled to sing her prophesies. It was said her inspiration came from within.

Icon of Tainaros Tainaros Tainaros was on the Peloponnese’s middle peninsula. It had red and black marble quarries and was also presumed to be a gateway to the underworld. It was guarded by Cerberus and was used by Herakles.

Icon of Tavern Tavern In Athens, there were numerous taverns, whose managers were often mocked in the plays of Aristophanes. The wine served in taverns could be red, white, or rosé, and up to 16% proof.

Icon of Tavern Tavern Taverns sold wine and vinegar. Divided in three different types - dry, sweet, and sweet mix, wine could also be flavored with honey, resin, spices, herbs, and even sea water.

Icon of Tegea Tegea Tegea was one of the oldest and most powerful cities in Arkadia. Its first king was famous for killing one of Herakles’s sons.

Icon of Temenos of Ino Temenos of Ino Megarians believe the corpse of Ino washed up on the coast after she threw herself into the sea with her dead son. There is a sacrifice each year in her honor.

Icon of Temenos of Zeus Ainesios Temenos of Zeus Ainesios Here, atop the island's tallest mountain, two of Jason's argonauts prayed to the Zeus of Ainos to give them the strength to defeat winged monsters called Harpies.

Icon of Temple of Achilles Temple of Achilles In Greek mythology, Achilles was hidden in childhood on Skyros and disguised as one of King Lykomedes’s daughters. It was an attempt to elude the fatal destiny he met during the Trojan War.

Icon of Temple of Aphrodite Temple of Aphrodite One of the most famous temples to the goddess of love towered over the city on the Akrokorinth. Numerous courtesans engaged in their trade inside, contributing greatly to the sanctuary’s prosperity.

Icon of Temple of Apollo Temple of Apollo Perched on a cliff, the temple was built by Iktinos, the Parthenon’s architect. The offerings of weapons suggest that the god played a role in the clashes between the Arkadians and the Spartans.

Icon of Temple of Artemis Temple of Artemis Apollo’s twin sister enjoyed hunting and was always armed with a bow she used against deer and men. Her arrows were said to bring about sudden death.

Icon of Temple of Artemis Amarysia Temple of Artemis Amarysia This temple dedicated to the goddess was as large as Apollo’s sanctuary on the island. Competitions, musical contests, sacrifices, and war dances were held there to honor Artemis.

Icon of Temple of Artemis Orthia Temple of Artemis Orthia The temple of Artemis Orthia near the Eurotas River was one of Sparta’s most important religious sites. It was associated with the education of young Spartans, and conducted their initiations.

Icon of Temple of Asklepios Temple of Asklepios This was the sanctuary of the healing god, whose cult was introduced to Athens in the fifth century BCE. Its construction was funded by a wealthy Athenian named Telemachos.

Icon of Temple of Athena Chalkioikos Temple of Athena Chalkioikos The temple of Athena on the akropolis was one of Sparta’s most important monuments. The bronze sheets that decorated its interior gave birth to the name Chalkioikos.

Icon of Temple of Athena Poliouchos Temple of Athena Poliouchos This sanctuary on the Gortyn akropolis honored one of the city’s main deities, along with Apollo and Demeter. Places of worship for Athena were widespread, and often also used as archives.

Icon of Temple of Athena Skiras Temple of Athena Skiras This temple was located on a headland on the island’s north side, facing Attika. The shrine hosted a grand feast each year in honor of Athena, the protector of Salamis’s farmers and sailors.

Icon of Temple of Demeter Temple of Demeter Demeter was honored in Krete for introducing a number of discoveries to the island and then spreading them throughout the Greek world. These include the art of growing wheat on the island.

Icon of Temple of Dionysos Temple of Dionysos The Naxians dedicated a temple to Dionysos to ensure the fertility of their vines and first-rate wine production on the island. Several times a year, festivities were held to honor the god.

Icon of Temple of Dionysos Kolonatas Temple of Dionysos Kolonatas Generally a place of worship for women, this temple was set on a hill opposite the Spartan akropolis. During the god’s annual feast, a footrace involving eleven girls was held.

Icon of Temple of Hades Temple of Hades Hades, god of the underworld, was rarely honored. His temple in Elis opened just once a year, and only the priest could enter. It is said that this was because people could only go to Hades once.

Icon of Temple of Hephaistos Temple of Hephaistos Hephaistos, god of fire, metallurgy, and volcanoes, was honored on the island of Lemnos. When Hera noticed his limp, she threw him off Olympos. He fell near the island, and was found by sea deities.

Icon of Temple of Hephaistos Temple of Hephaistos Erected on a hill, this Doric temple overlooking the agora is dedicated to Hephaistos, god of the forge, and to Athena Ergane, goddess of arts and crafts. A garden adjoined the temple.

Icon of Temple of Hera Temple of Hera The Heraia were games for women organized in honor of Hera. Every four years, the sixteen Elis women in charge of organizing the Heraia wove a new veil for the goddess and placed it in her temple.

Icon of Temple of Hera Temple of Hera This temple was dedicated to Hera, who forbade the world from receiving the pregnant goddess, Leto. Only Delos welcomed her, where she gave birth to Artemis and Apollo.

Icon of Temple of Herakles Temple of Herakles As the protector of the city, Herakles was the most important god in Thasos. He was called Herakles Soter - the savior. As such, he had his own sanctuary and was featured on Thasian coins.

Icon of Temple of Kybele Temple of Kybele This goddess of fertility and nature from Asia Minor was popular on the island. She was known for having initiated Dionysos into mysteries and ecstasy.

Icon of Temple of Poseidon Temple of Poseidon Because Korinth was desired by the gods, Helios got the Akrokorinth and Poseidon got the Isthmus. Korinthians built a temple on the Isthmus for the god of the sea and oceans.

Icon of Temple of Poseidon Temple of Poseidon The Kretans worshipped Poseidon, one of Zeus's youngest brothers. Poseidon protected the navigation of boats, but was lesser known for the domestication of horses and horse riding.

Icon of Temple of Themis Temple of Themis On the slopes of the Akropolis was the temple of Themis, goddess of justice, law, and fairness. She succeeded her mother, Gaia, as the possessor of the Oracle of Delphi, later giving it to Apollo.

Icon of Temple of Zeus Temple of Zeus Early Greek temples were built out of clay and wood. Stone structures weren't adopted until the seventh century BCE.

Icon of Temple of Zeus Temple of Zeus The Temple of Zeus at the foot of the Akropolis was a vast temple dedicated to Olympian Zeus. Construction began under the tyrant Peisistratos but was interrupted by the emergence of democracy.

Icon of Temple of Zeus Temple of Zeus The temple housed one of the seven wonders of the ancient world: Phidias’s statue of Zeus. To close the Olympic games, a procession led to the temple where victorious athletes were crowned.

Icon of Temple of Zeus Chthonios Temple of Zeus Chthonios Chthonios Zeus is the god of the earth credited with bountiful harvests.

Icon of Terrace of the Lions Terrace of the Lions Dating back to the seventh century BCE, the Terrace of the Lions facing the Sacred Lake originally consisted of at least nine marble statues, like the avenues of Egyptian sphinxes.

Icon of Thasos Agora Thasos Agora The agora is the heart of the city. Both a commercial and political hub, it's a gathering place for citizens. The agora houses numerous administrative, commercial, and religious buildings.

Icon of Thasos City Thasos City Mountainous Thasos was the most prosperous island in the region. Rich from its mines and forests, its marble deposits and wine were also lucrative. Its territory encompassed the entire island.

Icon of Thasos Temple Thasos Temple The akropolis of Thasos overlooks the ancient city. It housed the theater and the sanctuaries of Athena, Pan, and Apollo. The city walls extended onto the summit to encircle the town.

Icon of Thasos Theater Thasos Theater The theater was built in a natural dip on the akropolis and offered a beautiful view of the sea. Erected in the fifth century BCE, it was where the writer Hegemon invented a form of parody.

Icon of The Bloody Oracle The Bloody Oracle Located southwest of the city on one of the akropolises, this oracle site was dedicated to Apollo. Once a month, a prophetess would convey oracles in the dead of night, after drinking the blood of a lamb.

Icon of The Bull of Oreos The Bull of Oreos A number of bull statues have been found in Greece. Bulls were dedicated to gods as offerings.

Icon of Theater of Dionysos Theater of Dionysos This was built inside the god’s sanctuary and introduced Greek theater to the heart of the city. The great works of Euripides, Aischylos, Sophokles, and Aristophanes were performed there.

Icon of Thebes Thebes This illustrious city shares a legendary past with Oedipous and his desperate descendants, the legends of Herakles, and the men who sprang forth from planted snake teeth.

Icon of Tomb of Brizo Tomb of Brizo Brizo, whose name means “to slumber,” was a goddess who spoke to men though prophetic dreams. People in Delos prayed particularly to her to protect boats.

Icon of Tomb of Leonidas Tomb of Leonidas Forty years after the battle of Thermopylai - around 440 BC - Leonidas’s bones were brought to Sparta. A hero's shrine was set up, and a stele inscribed with the names of the soldiers at Thermopylai.

Icon of Tomb of Medeas's Children Tomb of Medeas's Children Mermeros and Pheres were killed by their mother when their father, Jason, deserted her for Glauke, the Korinthian king’s daughter. An oracle advised the Korinthians establish rituals in their honor.

Icon of Tomb of Orestes Tomb of Orestes Orestes’s bones were returned to Sparta from Tegea on the Delphic Oracle’s advice. The Spartans thus enabled eternal protection of the hero, who was associated with the city’s legendary past.

Icon of Tomb of Orion Tomb of Orion Orion the giant, son of Poseidon, was supposedly born in Boeotia. Artemis wanted revenge on him for seducing her follower Opis and sent a scorpion to kill him; it turned into a constellation.

Icon of Tomb Of Orpheus Tomb Of Orpheus Orpheus was dismembered by Thrakian women, and his corpse was taken to the sea. His head and lyre reached Lesbos, where residents built a tomb for him. It's said lyre music could be heard from inside.

Icon of Tomb of the Amazons Tomb of the Amazons This diamond-shaped tomb depicts an Amazonian shield. It's dedicated to the Queen of the Amazons, Hyppolyta, who was defeated by Theseus and died of grief.

Icon of Tomb of the Epigones Tomb of the Epigones Following Theseus’s intervention, King Adrastos of Argos and Sikyon buried the ashes of the seven leaders killed during the expedition against Thebes here.

Icon of Tomb of the First Champion Tomb of the First Champion Koroibos of Elis was the champion of the stadium race, the most prestigious Olympic event, in the first Games in 776 BCE. His tomb is located on the border with Arkadia, marking the border of Elis.

Icon of Tomb of the Suitors Tomb of the Suitors This Mycenaean tomb notably housed the bones of seventy-two people. Among the remains were valuable offerings discovered near Pronnoi, believed to have belonged to ancient Ithakan nobility.

Icon of Tower of Timon Tower of Timon In the time of Perikles, the misanthrope Timon shut himself away on a farm, in a tower that served as both a refuge and granary.

Icon of Treasuries Treasuries Cities erected small buildings shaped like temples at the foot of the hill of Kronos. They held valuable offerings that were placed under Zeus’s protection, such as weapons, statues, and vases.

Icon of Treasuries Treasuries Arranged in a semicircle, these five sacred buildings were mainly used to store offerings and holy materials.

Icon of Tripod of Plataia Tripod of Plataia The 31 Greek cities that took part in the Battle of Plataia dedicated to Apollo a massive golden tripod made from the tithe of the Persian booty.

Icon of Tripods of the Deinomenids Tripods of the Deinomenids These two tripods weighed 400 kg each and were dedicated by the Tyrant of Syracuse after his victory in the battle of Himera to his brother to recall his victory at the battle of Kume.

Icon of Tydeus's Lair Tydeus's Lair Tydeus was one of the seven leaders who organized an expedition against Thebes, helping Polynikes regain his city. In the heat of battle, Tydeus ate the brain of one of his enemies, Melanippos.

Icon of Underwater Ruins of Dyspontion Underwater Ruins of Dyspontion Dyspontion was on the mountainous route between Olympia and Elis. It was a community of perioikoi destroyed in 570 BCE by the Eleians due to inhabitants joining Pisa in a revolt against Elis.

Icon of Village of Gytheion Village of Gytheion Sparta based its military power mainly on its land troops, preferring to use its allies’ naval contributions. Despite this, they used Glytheion as a port.

Icon of Village of Kausos Village of Kausos Kausos is the ancient Greek word for fever, a symptom of malaria noted by Hippokrates. The disease was a driving force behind the depopulation of rural areas.

Icon of Vineyard of Glory Vineyard of Glory Thasian wine was well known in antiquity. It was one of the best and was exported throughout the Mediterranean basin. Amphoras of Thasian wine have been found in Magna Grecia, Egypt, and as far away as the Black Sea.

Icon of Vouliagmeni Sinkhole Vouliagmeni Sinkhole The Vouliagmeni sinkhole, located near the Attika region, was nicknamed "the Devil's Hole."

Icon of Waterfall of Styx Waterfall of Styx The source of the legendary underworld river was in Arkadia. Not only did the gods use water from the Styx to administer oaths, but it was famously harmful to humans, livestock, and objects.

Icon of Xerxes's Sacrifice of the Nine Xerxes's Sacrifice of the Nine On this very spot, Persian king Xerses buried nine young women and nine young men alive, and sacrificed white horses before crossing the river Strymon with his army.

Icon of Zakros Zakros Zakros was an urban center organized around a palace - just as Knossos, Phaistos, and Malia were. Occupied by the Minoans since the second millennium, the occupation ended around the 15th century BCE.

Icon of Zanes of the Cheats Zanes of the Cheats Zanes were bronze statues of Zeus that were paid for with the fines of silver imposed on athletes who were found to have cheated. Their names were etched on the pedestals, which was a source of shame.
